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Because of technological advancements and brutal price competition you can get a wide variety of stun guns for less than $20. For many people price is the most important element in making a purchase. In this article we will discuss the most popular stun guns under $20. Read on to learn more.
Source:Self-Defense ? Most Popular Stun Guns Under Twenty Bucks
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This edtion has been updated to include a commentary on two videos that depict actions you should take in the event you are caught in a mass shooting. One video is produced by our government and the other by a private firm. You are urged to watch both and decide which one provides the best options for survival. Neither video discusses the option of citizens being armed to stop an active shooter.
The recorded timeline of mass shootings and mass school murders starts in 1914 and continues to worsen each decade. We are all aware of the last insane attacks and now we must consider how to self defend against these mad people with weapons.
Flight or fight tactics are discussed in this concise easy to read and understand book. You will learn the first important thing to understand in an attack. Things you may never think of for self defense weapons are presented. Why you should make it a habit to learn all you can about every building you frequent and why you should tour your children's school with them at your side.
A backpack filled with some common items could stop or deflect a bullet. Until bullet proof back packs are available to all, this method is better than nothing.
Self defense against an active shooter is a concise and easy to follow treatise on the options you can consider if caught in a shooting. These self defense tactics and fighting techniques should be considered if you are unarmed and facing a shooter. Download this book today and become better able to defend against an active shooter.
At the end of the day, the you will survive because your mind and body are strong and united. We?ve all heard stories of super-human strength ? the grandma who lifted up with her bare hands to save her grandson and other such stories abound.
But the same thing can happen mentally ? at times of great stress, you can acquire super-human mental powers as well as physical. Like the lady who is mugged at gunpoint and says something that spooks the robber. He runs away, dropping her purse, and the woman picks it up and walks off like nothing happened.
How do we access our super-human potential when we need it most?
How can you fight off four assailants at once?
How can you talk your way out of being robbed?
How can you protect yourself and your family when something goes wrong?
These questions haunted me for years. I would often lay awake at night or daydream about potential fights or conflicts. Some guy at the bar comes at me with a knife so I use a typical Aikido move to disarm him and throw him on the ground using his own force. I get jumped from behind in an alleyway and knocked on the ground... the scenarios played through my head over and over like a moviescreen. Only this wasn?t the movies. It wasn?t real either ? it was practice.
And that practice payed off ? in a big way.
I want this book to prepare you for what may lie ahead. No one knows what the future holds. But even if you never have to face an attack or serious bodily harm for the rest of your life, this book will prepare you mentally and physically for when times get tough.
Life isn?t about being bigger, stronger, fast or smarter than the competition. Life is about survival. It?s about freedom, confidence and success. This book will give you the tools and the confidence to know that you will survive no matter what happens.
Learn how to defend and protect yourself and your family today. Scroll up and grab your copy!
Now Lucy s dream is starting to disrupt her waking life, and Alex is concerned. The power of the dream, its grip on Lucy s emotions, suggests to him that it may be more than a nightmare. It may be the repressed childhood memory of something very real. Something like murder.
This is the ultimate guide to combating the influences of earthbound spirits, deranged ghosts, astral snakes and spiders, demonic spirits, and poltergeists. This is a highly anecdotal and comprehensive practical guide to the dark side of the psychic universe.
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